General Studies

There are six strands in the GS curriculum, they are:

  • Health and Living
  • People and Environment
  • Science and Technology in Everyday Life
  • Community and Citizenship
  • National Identity and Chinese Culture
  • Global Understanding and the Information Era
School-based curriculum

  • Language Policy
We believe that learning a language is most effective when begun young. A unique language policy has been adopted in our curriculum. We aim to provide our pupils with an early and enriched English language programme, starting with 20% of our general studies lessons to be taught in English at lower primary levels, and increasing it to 80% at upper primary levels.

  • STEM education
During the lessons, we carry out hands-on and problem-solving activities to promote STEM education to cultivate students' learning interest, enhance their capacity to innovate, and develop their creativity and problem-solving skills. J. C. 4-6 students will design their smart domestic devices by using their coding and robotic skills.

  • Assessment
Different types of assessment will be used to help students identify their strengths and weaknesses and for teachers to decide on the appropriate learning and teaching strategies for them. Formative assessment will be adopted in the assessment of students’ mastery of life skills from J.C.1 to 3.